Leadership and Psychological Safety
With this work, we attempt to advance theory to explain how psychological safety emerges from team interactions. We are conducting a systematic review of the literature on psychological safety and communication to organize what is known and unknown in the literature and draw insight regarding theory and conceptual gaps. We are also conducting experimental research to test ideas around how communication influences felt psychological safety and other perceptions in the workplace.
Current Projects
Jargons effect on Psychological Safety: This project examines how the use of jargon at work impacts psychological safety, or the feeling that it is safe to speak up with ideas, questions, opinions etc. We collected experimental data on CloudResearch/MTurk where people responded to a survey after engaging in a hypothetical workplace scenario.
Psychological Safety + Communication (Systematic Review): In this project, we attempt to develop theory on how psychological safety emerges from the communication process. We are conducting a systematic review of the literature on psychological safety and communication to organize what is known and unknown in the literature and draw insight regarding theory and conceptual gaps.
Leadership Behaviors Cultivating Psychological Safety: The goal of this project is to take a deeper look into how different behaviors and communication from leaders impacts perceptions and other outcomes at work, and to offer practical and actionable recommendations to leaders on how to communicate with their teams. This dissertation will investigate how the type of leader information shared by leaders (work- and nonwork-related information) impacts task and relational outcomes.