Team Resilience &
The goal of this work is to better understand how teams perform in adverse and complex environments and the factors that help them bounce back from failure and setbacks. We are employing a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods in aim to develop a theory of team resilience and explore how it can be measured psychologically, behaviorally, and physiologically. Part of this project may involve observing teams in action using real-time physiological measures (e.g., wrist-worn monitors) to uncover new ways to diagnose team functioning in adversity.
Current Projects
Collective Resiliency: The goal of this project is to better understand what makes teams bounce back from failure and setbacks versus downward spiral. Using longitudinal data collected from strategy consultant teams over 16 weeks, we aim to examine how collective perceptions of resiliency emerge in teams over time and how these perceptions impact team performance.
Team Adversity: In this project, we use qualitative data from teams describing adverse situations they encountered to develop a taxonomy for team adversity. We aim to develop and validate a taxonomy that can be used as a foundation for future research examining how teams respond to different types of adverse events (see TeamPACE project).
TeamPACE: This project will examine Team Performance in Adverse and Complex Environments (TeamPACE), such as emergency medicine and the military. We aim to develop a theory of team resilience and explore how it can be measured psychologically, behaviorally, and physiologically. This is a multidisciplinary collaboration with researchers at Johns Hopkins Medical School and will employ a variety of qualitative and quantitative research methods. It will involve (1) the use of wrist-worn monitors to assess physiology and infer team performance trajectories in real time, (2) the development and validation of a model of team resilience, and (3) the creation of evidence-based principles and guidelines for measuring TeamPACE to diagnose team resilience.